backupbuddy-get-overview Description: Get any overview of BackupBuddy information for this site. Arguments: none Return Array: api- API version of this function. Increments of the output of this function changes. status- Whether or not the action succeeded. Possible values: ok, error message- Text status message. overview- Array of overview information. backupbuddyVersion- BackupBuddy version. localTime- Current timestamp of server. (PHP's time()). lastBackupStart- Timestamp last backup began. This MAY differ from the backup in lastBackupStats as this includes any unfinished backups. lastBackupSerial- Serial ID of the last backup to start. lastBackupStats- Array of stats about the last backup to complete. Deprecated? editsSinceLastBackup- Number of edits made to posts/page since the last backup succeeded. scheduleCount- Number of schedules. profileCount- Number of profiles. destinationCount- Number of destinations. gmtOffset- Offset for timestamp on server from GMT. From get_option( 'gmt_offset' ). [As of verb API 5]. notifications- Array of string notifications, such as that backups are failing. backupbuddy-get-latestBackupProcess Description: Get details on the last backup process to run or is currently running. Arguments: none Return Array: api- API version of this function. Increments of the output of this function changes. status- Whether or not the action succeeded. Possible values: ok, error message- Text status message. localTime- Current timestamp of server. (PHP's time()). latestBackupProcess- Array of details on the latest backup process to run, which may or may not be currently running. serial- Backup ID. isRunning- 1 if this latest backup is currently running now. 0 if complete or timed out. processStarted- Timestamp backup process began. processFinished- Timestamp backup process finished. 0 if not finished. processStepTitle- Friendly title of the currently step. processStepFunction- Internal function name of the current step. eg: backup_zip_files processStepElapsed- Number of seconds elapsed since this step began. backupType- Type of backup. full, db, files profileTitle- Friendly profile title. scheduleTitle- Friendly schedule title. Blank string if not launched by a schedule. archiveFile- ZIP filename. If this file no longer exists (deleted, moved offsite, etc) this will be set blank. eg: archiveURL- URL to download the backup ZIP file. Eg: http://backupbuddy/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=pb_backupbuddy_download_archive& archiveSize- Current zip file size in bytes. Grows as the zip file is generated. integrityStatus- Backup integrity scan status. -1 if integrity has not been scanned yet, true for OK, false for failure passing integrity scan. destinations- Array of destinations to send to. Array ( id- Numeric identifier for this destination. title- Friendly user-specified title of destination. type- Type of destination. Valid values: dropbox, dropbox2, email, ftp, local, rackspace, s3, sftp, stash, + any future destinations. ) backupbuddy-list-profiles Description: Get a list of profiles currently in existance. Arguments: none Return Array: api- API version of this function. Increments of the output of this function changes. status- Whether or not the action succeeded. Possible values: ok, error message- Text status message. profiles- Array of profiles title- User-specified title of profile. Tags stripped. type- Type of profile. Valid values: defaults [internal use only], full, db, files id- Numeric identifier for this profile. backupbuddy-get-backupStatus Description: Get backup status log up to this point. Only supports ECHOing out the response. Arguments: serial- Backup serial ID unique identifier. Return Array: IMPORTANT: This verb is _SPECIAL_ and returns a string response not the normal array. Returns full status log, newline separated. backupbuddy-list-destinations Description: Get a list of destinations currently in existance. Arguments: none Return Array: api- API version of this function. Increments of the output of this function changes. status- Whether or not the action succeeded. Possible values: ok, error message- Text status message. destinations- Array of destinations title- User-specified title of destination. Tags stripped. type- Type of destination. Valid values: dropbox, dropbox2, email, ftp, local, rackspace, s3, sftp, stash, + any future destinations. id- Numeric identifier for this destination. backupbuddy-run-backup Description: Run a backup by profile. Arguments: profile- Profile ID number to run. Alternatively this can be "full" or "db" which will run the built-in non-deletable full or database profiles. Return Array: api- API version of this function. Increments of the output of this function changes. status- Whether or not the action succeeded. Possible values: ok, error message- Text status message. serial- Serial ID of the backup which was just run. backupbuddy-list-schedules Description: Get a list of backup schedules. Arguments: none Return Array: api- API version of this function. Increments of the output of this function changes. status- Whether or not the action succeeded. Possible values: ok, error message- Text status message. schedules- Array of profiles title- User-specified title of schedule. Tags stripped. profileID- Numeric identifier for the profile this schedule will run. profileTitle- User-specified title of the profile for this destination. Tags stripped. type- Backup type as specified by the profile. interval- Tag interval for schedule for WP cron. ie. hourly, daily, twicedaily, weekly, twiceweekly, monthly, twicemonthly lastRun- Timestamp the schedule last ran. enabled- Whether or not the schedule is currently enabled. Valid values: 1, 0 id- Numeric identifier for this schedule. backupbuddy-list-everything Description: Retrieve an array of all GETTER methods. Arguments: none Return Array: api- API version of this function. Increments of the output of this function changes. status- Whether or not the action succeeded. Possible values: ok, error message- Text status message. overview- Full response from calling backupbuddy-get-overview. destinations- Full response from calling backupbuddy-list-destinations. profiles- Full response from calling backupbuddy-list-profiles. schedules- Full response from calling backupbuddy-list-schedules. backupbuddy-get-importbuddy Description: Retrieve importbuddy.php contents, base64 encoded (to help maintain integrity through json encoding & transmission). Protected by provided password. If no password provided then uses default configured in Settings. Arguments: password- Passord to use. If blank then uses default. Return Array: api- API version of this function. Increments of the output of this function changes. status- Whether or not the action succeeded. Possible values: ok, error message- Text status message. importbuddy- base64 encoded importbudy.php file contents. importbuddy_hash- md5 hash of importbuddy contents to insure it transfers perfectly. backupbuddy-add-schedule Description: Creates a new backup schedule. Arguments: title- (string) User-specified title of schedule. Please strip tags. profile- (int) Profile ID number (numeric). interval- (string) Tag interval for schedule for WP cron. ie. hourly, daily, twicedaily, weekly, twiceweekly, monthly, twicemonthly firstRun- (int) Timestamp of first runtime. Take care to handle timezone of server (gmtOffset provided in backupbuddy-get-overview) as well as timezone of user's browser. destinations- (array) Destination IDs to send to after the schedule completes running. deleteAfter- (bool) Whether or not to delete the local copy of the backup after sending to a destination (if applicable). enabled- (bool) Whether or not this schedule is currently enabled (active) to be able to run. Return Array: api- API version of this function. Increments of the output of this function changes. status- Whether or not the action succeeded. Possible values: ok, error message- Text status message. scheduleID- Numeric ID number of the new just-added schedule. backupbuddy-delete-schedule Description: Delete an existing schedule. Also handles unscheduling in WP cron. Arguments: id- (int) Numeric ID of the schedule to delete (array key). Return Array: api- API version of this function. Increments of the output of this function changes. status- Whether or not the action succeeded. Possible values: ok, error message- Text status message. backupbuddy-list-destinationTypes Description: Lists the types of destinations available on this server for creation. Arguments: none Return Array: api- API version of this function. Increments of the output of this function changes. status- Whether or not the action succeeded. Possible values: ok, error message- Text status message. destinations- Array of destinations that could be created on this server. backupbuddy-test-destination Description: Test provided destination settings. Can be tested prior to creation. Accepts the exact settings also used for backupbuddy-add-destination verb. Arguments: settings- (array) Destination settings. Return Array: api- API version of this function. Increments of the output of this function changes. status- Whether or not the action succeeded. Possible values: ok, error message- Text status message. [Note: Returns error if test fails. Descriptive cause of test failure supplied in the message field.] backupbuddy-delete-destination Description: Delete an existing destination. Handles stripping from existing scheduled destinations. Arguments: id- Numeric destination ID number. Return Array: api- API version of this function. Increments of the output of this function changes. status- Whether or not the action succeeded. Possible values: ok, error message- Text status message. destination_id- Destination ID number of the destination just deleted. backupbuddy-get-destinationSettings Description: Retrieve the settings for an existing destination. Arguments: id- (int) Numeric destination ID number. Return Array: api- API version of this function. Increments of the output of this function changes. status- Whether or not the action succeeded. Possible values: ok, error message- Text status message. settings- Array of all the settings for this destination. destination_id- Destination ID number of the destination just deleted. backupbuddy-add-destination Description: Create a new destionation. Arguments: settings- (array) Destination settings for the new destinatino. This should be the complete destination settings array. Defaults are applied by BackupBuddy whenever these settings are called so defaults shoudl not be mandatory. These settings are NOT validated and are expected to be trusted and functional. Use the test verb for testing these same settings. Accepts the exact settings also used for backupbuddy-test-destination verb. Return Array: api- API version of this function. Increments of the output of this function changes. status- Whether or not the action succeeded. Possible values: ok, error message- Text status message. destination_id- Destination ID number of the destination just deleted. backupbuddy-edit-destination Description: Edits an existing new destionation. Arguments: settings- (array) Array of destination settings. See backupbuddy-add-destination settings argument for details. id- (int) Numeric destination ID number. Obtain via backupbuddy-list-destinations. Return Array: api- API version of this function. Increments of the output of this function changes. status- Whether or not the action succeeded. Possible values: ok, error message- Text status message. destination_id- Destination ID number of the destination just deleted. backupbuddy-get-liveStats Description: Returns various statistics about local BackupBuddy Stash Live status. NOTE: Returns bool FALSE if Live is not set up for this site. Arguments: [none] Return Array: live_username - iThemes username continuous_status - 1 / 0 (int) continuous_status_pretty - Enabled/Disabled periodic_status - 1 / 0 (int) periodic_status_pretty - Enabled/Disabled database_size_bytes - Database size in bytes according to mysql; not filesizes (int) database_size_pretty - Pretty filesize. Eg: 7.39 MB database_tables_total - Number of tables set to back up (int) database_tables_pending_delete - Number of tables pending deletion from remote server (int) database_tables_sent - Tables sent so far to remote server (int) database_tables_pending_send - Tables pending send to remote server (int) database_tables_sent_percent - Percent of tables sent (int). Eg: 100 files_size_bytes - Total size of files to backup, in bytes (int) files_size_pretty - Total size of files in pretty format. Eg: 162.01 MB files_total - Total number of files tracking for backup. (int) files_sent - Total number of files backed up so far (int) files_sent_percent - Percent of files backed up (int) Eg: 100 files_pending_delete - Number of files pending deletion from remote server (int) last_db_snapshot - Micro timestamp of last full db snapshot (creation of full .sql files) (float) last_db_snapshot_pretty - Pretty time of last db snapshot. Eg: Dec 14, 2015 1:40:29 pm last_db_snapshot_ago - How long ago the last db snapshot was. Eg: 14 mins ago last_periodic_activity - Micro timestamp of last periodic activity (eg sending of a file, file scans, audit, etc). (float) Eg: 1450122103.65 last_periodic_activity_pretty - Pretty time last peridiic activity occurred. Eg: Dec 14, 2015 1:41:43 pm last_periodic_activity_ago - How long ago last periodic activity occurred in pretty format. Eg: 13 mins ago last_file_audit_start - Timestamp last file audit began (float) Eg: 1450122091.27 last_file_audit_finish - Timestamp last file audit finished (float) Eg: 1450122103.65 backupbuddy-set-liveStatus Description: Pause/Resume BackupBuddy Stash Live status for continuous database and/or periodic scans (files). Arguments: pause_continuous- (bool|string) Bool true to pause, bool false to unpause, empty string '' to leave at current state. Continuous is Live database backup. pause_periodic- (bool|string) Bool true to pause, bool false to unpause, empty string '' to leave at current state. Periodic includes file scan, db dump, cleanup, periodic snapshot triggering, etc. start_run- (bool) Whether or not to immediately run the periodic process upon unpause. Note: If already unpaused, this has no effect. Return Array: continuous_status 1|0 (string) String '1' if now enabled, else '0'. periodic_status 1|0 (string) String '1' if now enabled, else '0'. backupbuddy-run-liveSnapshot Description: Run a Live Snapshot. Includes site rescan prior to triggering snapshot. If already scanning then snapshot will be queued until process completes. Arguments: [none] Return Array: [standard]