Version 2.25.4 / (14.12.2015) ============================ - [Fix]: Addressed a bug that causes some rendering issues when there was more than one slider in a page. - [Fix]: Addressed a bug with swipe events. Version 2.25.0 / (05.12.2015) ============================ - [New]: Introducing Box transition view. - [Fix]: An issue with validating slider alias fixed - [New]: New dynamic tags for 'Post image title and alt' added - [New]: Exporting custom button styles added to importer and exporter tools - [New]: Title attribute added to button layers too - [Fix]: Addressed an issue that the slider alias was undefined after duplicating an slider - [Fix]: Addressed a bug that through an error while inserting as Slider in page by 'Visual Composer' (slider alias) - [Fix]: Addressed an issue with touch JS error in some Android devices. - [Improvement]: Improvement for loading fonts on websites under SSL - [Improvement]: Swipe sensitivity while scrolling page on touch devices improved. - [Improvement]: Now Master Slider can be initialized properly event if the page contains JS errors from third-party scripts. Version 2.22.1 / (3.11.2015) ============================ - [Fix]: An issue with undefined param fixed Version 2.22.0 / (31.10.2015) ============================ - [New]: Introducing slider alias - [Improvement]: Title for background slide added - [Fix]: An issue with implementing the scrollTo parameters fixed - [Fix]: Legacy wpb_vc function changed to vc_map - [Fix]: An issue with undefined variable name fixed Version 2.20.4 / (30.09.2015) ============================ - [Improvement]: SEO improvement for gallery slider - [Improvement]: Now the slide info sections with no conent are no longer visible Version 2.20.3 / (12.09.2015) ============================ - [Fix]: Addressed an issue with undefined IDs while adding shortcodes to WordPress editor - [New]: Russian translation by: "oharreg" Version 2.20.0 / (31.08.2015) ============================ - [Fix]: Address an incompatibility issue with WordPress 4.3 which result in white screen of death for some clients - [Improvement]: Improvement in formatting the prices for WooCommerce slider Version 2.19.0 / (26.08.2015) ============================ - [Improvement]: Security improvement - [Fix]: Deprecated PHP4 constructor style replaced with new style - [Fix]: Addressed an issue with sizing the thumbnails Version 2.18.2 / (29.06.2015) ============================ - [Improvement]: Under the hood improvement Version 2.18.0 / (25.06.2015) ============================ - [Improvement]: Now Master Slider is compatible with new Facebook oauth - [Improvement]: Improvement in automatic update script Version 2.17.0 / (17.06.2015) ============================ - [Fix]: Addressed an issue with IE9. - [Fix]: Fixed an issue in FireFox which prevents youtube and vimeo videos to be visible in fullscreen mode. - [Fix]: Now custom fonts in admin panel are supported under SSL protocol too. - [Fix]: An issue with font size while assigning custom font to layers in admin panel fixed. - [New]: New option added to post slider to exclude posts without image from slider. - [New]: New template tags for "add to card" button in woocommerce slider. - [Improvement]: Improvement in {{content-150}} dynamic tag. Version 2.16.0 / (04.06.2015) ============================ - [Fix]: Addressed an issue with controls in touch devices while auto hide is enabled. - [Fix]: An issue in IE11 fixed. - [Fix]: A conflict while selecting layers in admin panel fixed. - [Improvement]: Improvement in automatic update feature. Version 2.15.0 / (21.05.2015) ============================ - [Fix]: Addressed as issue with hotspot options. - [Fix]: Fixed an issue with layers on video when parallax was enabled. - [Fix]: An issue with background color of buttons fixed. - [Update]: Translate files updated Version 2.14.2 / (08.05.2015) ============================ - [Improvement]: Improvement in permalink dynamic tag in post slider. - [Improvement]: Some improvement for serving assets under SSL. - [Fix]: Default minHeight changed to 0. - [Fix]: Some CSS reset rules added to links on slider. - [Fix]: An error in parallax effect fixed. Version 2.14.0 / (06.05.2015) ============================ - [New]: New option for "autofill" layout added which retrieves the parent element of slider with jQuery selector. - [New]: New option `minHeight` added which specifies min height value for the slider, it prevents slider to be displayed tiny in small screens. - [New]: New option for scroll action on layers added which specifies a jQuery selector to scroll the page to the element after clicking the layer. - [New]: New option for thumblist to change the slides while moving mouse cursor over thumbnails. - [New]: Brand new sticky preview and save button with new interface in admin panel. - [Fix]: An issue with updating values while switching between layers fixed. - [Fix]: A conflict with new API changes in WP 4.2 for gallery fixed. - [Fix]: An issue with some special characters in slide info fixed. - [Improvement]: Moving custom slider styles after background image style in css file for improving customization capability. - [Improvement]: Improvement in slider preview while choosing "autofill" layout. - [Improvement]: Interface improvement for slider box. - [Improvement]: Improvement in slider sizing methods with autofill or fullscreen layout. - [Fix]: An issue with sorting sliders base on date_modified fixed. - [Fix]: Escaping the brackets for rel attribute on slides. - [Fix]: Addressed an issue while auto hide in controls did not function properly on touch devices. - [Fix]: An issue with parallax effect fixed. - [Fix]: Addressed an issue while inserting larger numbers than slides number in preload field. Version 2.12.2 / (24.04.2015) ============================ - [New]: Search box for searching through the sliders added. - [Fix]: Addressed an issue which does not show the layers when the slide image is not set. - Master Slider is 100% secure in vulnerability check Version 2.12.0 / (21.04.2015) ============================ - [New]: New option for thumbnail list to add thumb in tab - [New]: Fixed layers (fixed layers on slide) added. - [New]: Static layers (layers without transition on slide) added. - [New]: New slide transition "Stack" added. - [New]: Arrows for the thumblist control added. - [New]: New sample post slider with thumb in tab added. - [New]: New sample slider for introducing stack transition added. - [Improvement]: Improvement in startOnAppear option functionality. - [Improvement]: Improvement in slider performance. - [Fix]: An issue with encoding brackets in custom styles fixed - [Fix]: A conflict with startOnAppear in Facebook gallery fixed. - [Fix]: An issue in calculating thumbnails width fixed. - [Fix]: An issue in aligning thumbnails which doesn't have fillMode option fixed. - [Fix]: Addressed an issue when resizable option is off on a layer with link - [Improvement]: Improvements under the hood. Version 2.10.2 / (20.03.2015) ============================ - [New]: Introducing "Start On Hover" feature, to display the slider when it appears in browser viewport. - [New]: News sample sliders added. (Fullscreen with zoom effect, Post slider with tabs on right) - [New]: New dynamic tags for post slider added. {{image-400x225}}, {{thumbnail}, {{thumbnail-150x150}}, {{thubnailurl}} - [New]: Now tab element in post slider receives dynamic tag from slide info too - [Improvement]: API methods updated - [Fix]: An issue with displaying brackets in {{title}} tag fixed - [Fix]: Some minor JavaScript errors fixed. Version 2.9.12 / (05.03.2015) ============================ - [Improvement]: Enhancement for {{excerpt}} dynamic tag in post slider - [Improvement]: Check and notify if user rich_editing is disabled Version 2.9.10 / (04.03.2015) ============================ - [New]: Introducing keyboard navigation - [New]: New dynamic tag (content-150) to create trimmed content on the fly. {{content-200}} to trim the content if it was longer than 200 character. - [Fix]: An issue while previewing post slider results fixed. - [Fix]: Addressed an issue while using bracket in slide and link title. - [Update]: French translation added. Special thanks to Thomas: - [New]: Brazilian Portuguese translation added. Special thanks to WebPress: - [Fix]: Addressed and issue with rendering 3D transitions in FireFox Version 2.9.9 / (21.02.2015) ============================ - [Fix]: An issue with mouse wheel fixed - [New]: dynamic tag linked_title added Version 2.9.8 / (25.01.2015) ============================ - [New]: New sample slider "Slider with vertical tab" added - [Fix]: Addressed an issue with an unexpected 404 error for a missing image file - [Fix]: ms-skin-sample.css missed in previous updates, now added again - [Fix]: Addressed an issue which caused "Partial view version 2" not to work properly. - [Fix]: Addressed an issue which caused image layers over first slider not aligning correctly in Chrome for iOS. Version 2.9.7 / (06.01.2015) ============================ - [Fix]: Addressed a bug in background fill mode for post slider - [Fix]: Now square brackets are supported in post and product titles - [Fix]: An issue with a missing file fixed - [Improvement]: Some improvement in API for managing front end assets Version 2.9.6 / (25.12.2014) ============================ - [Fix]: An issue with including jquery-easig fixed - [Fix]: Addressed an issue with layers without fade transition Version 2.9.5 / (23.12.2014) ============================ - [New]: Width and height options for image layer added - [New]: Now it's possible to bind lightbox to slide image too - [Fix]: Addressed and issue with rendering issue in latest version of Firefox - [Fix]: An issue with slide link in latest version of Firefox fixed - [Fix]: Video background paused in "mask" transition view when window resized. - [New]: White overlay patterns for slides added - [New]: Serbian translate added. Thanks to "Borisa Djuraskovic" ( Version 2.9.2 / (19.12.2014) ============================ - [Fix]: An conflict with modal window in WordPress 4.1 fixed - [Fix]: Addressed an issue with excerpt length functionality in post slider - [Fix]: Addressed an issue with not applying custom order for post slider - [Improvement]: User interface improvement Version 2.9.0 / (16.12.2014) ============================ - [Update]: Annoying glow on buttons and links in admin panel removed - [New]: Custom css editor added to admin panel - [New]: New sample slider for post slider added - [New]: New sample slider for parallax mask transition added - [Fix]: An issue with slider fallbacks fixed - [Fix]: An issue with default link target for button layers fixed - [New]: New transition view "parallaxMask" - [New]: New direction styles to tab's arrow (left and top) - [Fix]: Fixed links and buttons not working with "mask" transition - [Fix]: An issue with instant start layers and load nearby preloading fixed - [Fix]: An issue with wheel navigation with non-loop slider fixed - [Fix]: An issue with unexpected horizontal page scroll bar when fullscreen fixed - [Fix]: Fixed unexpected js errors when swipe navigation is disabled - [Fix]: An issue removeEventListener method fixed - [Fix]: Addressed an issue about not showing layers with "width-limit" attribute during window resizes - [Improvement]: Lots of improvement in slider performance - [Improvement]: Adding compatibility with wheel navigation by Magic Mouse or Trackpad in OS X - [Improvement]: Improvement in parallax effect by mouse movement. - [Update]: Slider base styles updated - [Update]: Translate files updated Version 2.7.2 / (30.09.2014) ============================ - [New]: New sample slider added ( Partial view slider version 4 ) - [New]: Automatic cache flush for sliders while clicking on "Save" button in global setting page - [Improvement]: Overlay color for slider gallery view improved - [Fix]: Addressed an issue with loading verification script on "Enable Automatic Update" setting page - [Improvement]: Improvement in assigning slider capabilities to default roles Version 2.7.0 / (25.09.2014) ============================ - [New]: Introducing Master Slider Gallery view. Now you can display WordPress galleries as slider too. - [Improvement]: Now button layer accepts HTML content too - [Fix]: Now google fonts work under both SSL and non-SSL - [Fix]: Addressed an issue in updating layer content - [New]: New field added to post slider and WooCommerce slider to include by post ID too. - [Update]: Translate files updated Version 2.6.0 / (18.09.2014) ============================ - [New Feature]: Introducing "Scroll down" layer action - [Fix]: Addressed an issue with grap cursors in Internet Explorer - [Fix]: An issue with creating styles on MultiSite fixed - [Fix]: An issue with video cover on devices fixed - [New]: New developer API to change origin_uploads_url for importing medias - [Improvement]: Improvement in admin interface - [Improvement]: Improvement in automatic update validation Version 2.5.2 / (08.09.2014) ============================ - [New]: 5 new sample sliders added - [Improvement]: Improving responsiveness of admin panel - [Improvement]: Interface compatibility with WordPress 4.0 in admin area applied Version 2.5.0 / (25.08.2014) ============================ - [New Feature]: Layer actions added to all layer types - [New Feature]: New way to let theme developers to include demo sliders in their themes - [New Feature]: Color tint added to slide overlay - [Fix]: An issue with Master Slider button in TinyMCE fixed - [Fix]: Addressed an issue with affecting template tags after post slider on pages - [Fix]: An issue with API related to default slider setting values fixed - [Fix]: Addressed an issue with pausing YouTube videos - [Improvement]: Improving slides list view in Master slider's admin panel - [Update]: Documentations updated Version 2.4.0 / (13.08.2014) ============================ - [New Feature]: Introducing deepLink feature. Now you can link to specific slide too. - [Improvement]: Some improvements in scroll parallax effect and minor bugs fixed - [Improvement]: Improvement in aligning layers - [Fix]: An issue with post slider query fixed - [Fix]: An issue with layer action names fixed - [Fix]: Some issues with aligning slider controls on mobile size fixed Version 2.3.2 / (06.08.2014) ============================ - [New Feature]: Parallax effect added to slide image while scrolling the page - [Fix]: An issue with parallax scroll fixed Version 2.3.0 / (05.08.2014) ============================ - [New Feature]: New button added to WordPress editor in order to add Master Slider shorcodes with just simple click - [New Feature]: Vertical align option added to bullet control - [New]: New filter to let developers overwrite default values in admin panel - [Fix]: A minor bug in post slider fixed Version 2.2.0 / (25.07.2014) ============================ - [New Feature]: Introducing scroll parallax effect - [New Feature]: Auto play option added to youtube and vimeo videos - [Fix]: A minor bug in looping slider fixed - [Update]: Translate files updated Version 2.1.0 / (22.07.2014) ============================ - [New Feature]: Pattern overlay added to slide - [Fix]: An issue with aligning layers fixed Version 2.0.5 / (18.07.2014) ============================ - [New Feature]: New option added to global setting that let you load plugins's scripts on all pages. ( Useful when loading slider via Ajax ) Version 2.0.4 / (17.07.2014) ============================ - [Improvement]: Some improvements in importing process - [Improvement]: The fallback for old versions of jQuery removed - [Fix]: An issue with adding inline css for tab control fixed - [Update]: Translate files updated Version 2.0.3 / (03.07.2014) ============================ - [Fix]: An unwanted log error fixed - [Fix]: An issue with 'go to slide' action fixed - [Fix]: An issue with thumbnail control fixed - [Improvement]: some improvement for positioning layers when admin panel inits Version 2.0.0 / (01.07.2014) ============================ - [New Feature]: Introducing new layer type for adding buttons to slides. - [New Feature]: Introducing visual button editor. Now you can select your preferred button style from huge collection of ready to use button styles or create and reuse your custom buttons. - [New Feature]: Introducing layer action. Now you can set special action for layers ( go to next slide, go to previous, pause slider, .. ) - [Improvement]: An issue with displaying several instance of same slider on single page fixed ( when built-in cache was enabled ) - [Fix]: An issue with displaying widget title in sidebar fixed - [Fix]: An issue with flickr API fixed - [Update]: Translate files updated - [Update]: Documentation updated Version 1.8.8 / (21.06.2014) ============================ - [New Feature]: introducing cache boosting to make Masterslider even more faster! (enable from Masterslider setting) - [New]: Categories and tags added to dynamic tags in post slider and woo slider - [Improvement]: Usability improvement in license activation form - [New Feature]: Uninstall feature added to Masterslider - [Fix]: An issue with adopting proper style after importing slider fixed - [Fix]: return empty value if meta tag value is empty or not found in post slider and woo slider - [Update]: Translate files updated Version 1.8.6 / (13.06.2014) ============================ - [Fix]: A minor issue with arrow style fixed Version 1.8.5 / (11.06.2014) ============================ - [New Feature]: New option added to layer options to fix layer position - [New Feature]: Compability with prettyPhoto lightbox added - [Fix]: An issue with aligning slide info fixed - [Fix]: An issue with max-width in hotspot fixed - [Fix]: An issue with z-sorting in 3D view fixed Version 1.8.4 / (06.06.2014) ============================ - [Improvement]: Performance improvement for parallax effects - [Fix]: An issue with height of slide info fixed - [Fix]: An issue with auto-play feature on video slides fixed - [Fix]: An issue with woocommerce product slider in multisite fixed - [Fix]: An issue with positioning layers in first slide with no slide background fixed - [Fix]: An issue with updating layer content while typing in text editor fixed - [Update]: WooCommerce single product slider is now disabled by default. - [Update]: Language files updated - [Update]: Documentation updated Version 1.8.3 / (03.06.2014) ============================ - [New Feature]: Masterslider is now multisite compatible. - [New Feature]: New API to let developers add their own slider skins - [Fix]: Now post slider accepts special tags for slide info too - [Fix]: An issue with loop option for slide video background fixed - [Fix]: An issue with layer position origin fixed Version 1.8.0 / (30.05.2014) ============================ - [New feature]: Introducing WooCommerce product slider - [New feature]: Introducing layer position origin. Now you can position layers from top left, center, top right, bottom left, .. - [New feature]: New option added to slide options to specify background color for each slide ( under slides > Misc tab ) - [New feature]: New option for link target added to slide options in post slider - [New feature]: New option for hotspot added to "Stay tooltip on mouse over" - [New feature]: New feature to replace woocommerce default product slider in product single page with Masterslider (You can enable or disable this feature in Masterslider setting) - [New feature]: Thumbnail control added to post slider and woocommerce product slider - [Fix]: An issue with "Show layers before slide transition complete" option in layer options fixed - [Fix]: An issue with slide duration in post slider fixed - [Fix]: An issue with automatic update fixed - [Fix]: Minor bugs fixed Version 1.7.3 / (24.05.2014) ============================ - [Improvement]: Style improvement for vertical arrows - [Fix]: An issue with layer effect on image layers fixed - [Fix]: An issue with displaying the list of post types on edit page fixed - [Fix]: An Issue with playing video backgrounds with ogv extension fixed Version 1.7.2 / (16.05.2014) ============================ - [New feature]: Support for post meta fields in post slider added. - Now you can display post meta fields in post slider by adding post meta key in {{}} - For example to display value for a meta field with 'project_link' id you just need to add {{project_link}} in slide content. Version 1.7.1 / (15.05.2014) ============================ - [Fix]: An issue with post slider on front page fixed Version 1.7.0 / (15.05.2014) ============================ - [New Feature]: Introducing post slider. Now you can create a slider to dynamically load content from any post types. - [New Feature]: Introducing parallax layers effect. Now you can add parallax effect to layers while swiping slides or moving mouse. - [Improvement]: Improvement on positioning slider controls - [Fix]: An issue with displaying slide image on video slide fixed Version 1.5.0 / (07.05.2014) ============================ - [New Feature]: Introducing facebook slider - [New Feature]: 8 new slider templates added. ( Tablet and Smartphone templates ) - [New Feature]: 8 new sample sliders added. ( for Tablet and Smartphone templates ) - [New Feature]: New option added to thumblist control for controlling thumbnail fill mode - [New]: Developer documentation added - [New]: get_masterslider_parsed_data function added for theme developers - [New]: New filter and action hooks added for theme developers - [Fix]: An issue with displaying "created_date" in list view fixed - [Fix]: An issue with overlapping contents on bottom side of slider fixed Version 1.3.3 / (29.04.2014) ============================ - [New Feature]: Now imported images will be added to media library too, for easier media management - [New]: 2 new sample sliders added. "video gallery sample 2", "fullscreen slider with video background" - [New]: 2 new templates added. "flat-display" and "flat-laptop" - [New]: New option in global setting added that let you to hide update/info table - [Improvement]: Some improvement in pagination of list view table - [Improvement]: Performance improvement - [Fix]: An issue with themes using bootstrap 3 fixed. Now master slider is fully compatible with bootstrap - [Fix]: An issue with "display" template fixed - [Fix]: An issue with running 3D transitions on Enfold theme fixed Version 1.3.0 / (27.04.2014) ============================ - [New feature]: Introducing flickr slider :) - [New feature]: Rich api added for developers to add their preferred sample sliders. - [New feature]: 23 new sample sliders added to slider panel. Create your preferred slider with just one simple click! - [New feature]: Auto Importing/Fetching images added to importer! - [Improvement]: Filtering added to sliders table. - [Fix]: Some typo fixed in help tab Version 1.1.2 / (20.04.2014) ============================ - [New feature]: Auto update feature added - [New feature]: CKeditor editor replaced with TinyMce - [New feature]: New option "Slider wrapper width" for "boxed" and "parialview" layout added - [Improvement]: Now you can import export preset styles and preset transitions too. - [Improvement]: Some style improvement in admin panel - [Fix]: addressed some issue with loading jquery on some themes and bug fixed. - [Fix]: An issue with adding custom css code to page fixed. - [Update]: language files updated Version 1.0.5 / (15.04.2014) ============================ - [Improvement]: some style improvement for gallery template Version 1.0.4 / (14.04.2014) ============================ - [Fix]: An issue with hotspot alignment fixed Version 1.0.3 / (14.04.2014) ============================ - [New feature]: Auto image crop feature added as option - [New feature]: Now you can add shortcodes as content for layers and slide info - [Improvement]: laptop and display templates added - [Update]: force browser to reload cached css after saving slider Version 1.0.0 / (12.04.2014) ============================ - Initial release